In-Home Partners
A Subsidiary of Partners in Service Excellence LLC
Subscription Plan Summaries
Check-In Service
Emergency Contact
During regular check-ins, we will ask how you’re doing, check in briefly on your physical and mental health, ascertain if you have any pressing needs we can attend to, and be able to assess for any cognitive decline over time.
What we will do for you
Contact you by whatever means you request, or a combination of different means (e.g. text twice a week, call once a week, and in-person once a week)
Check-in with you with whatever frequency you’d like
Arrange for prompt follow-up if you need anything
Follow an agreed-upon plan if we cannot establish contact with you
Report regular summaries to any loved ones you request
$2.50 per text, call or email check-in
$10 per in-person check-in
As your emergency contacts, we will be ready to respond to urgent situations when you require emotional, logistical or safety support. We commit to advocating for you to ensure all needs are met in whatever setting the situation requires.
What we will do for you
Meet you wherever you are in the Portland area (e.g. an emergency department, your home, a mechanic’s shop, etc)
Respond to emergent events in the Portland area within two hours of being activated
Advocate for you and your needs in order to minimize distress
Visit you regularly if you are admitted to the hospital or a care facility
Support you during discharge from a hospital or care facility to ease your transition home
Notify anyone you wish of the emergent situation
Serve as the contact person for family and health care providers
Attend to needs at your home if you must be elsewhere
Bring you anything you need from home
Find next step options (skilled nursing facility, home health, plumber, dog sitter, house cleaner, etc)
Provide you notice when In-Home Partner owners are unavailable and provide vetted substitutes
$150 for one person
$250 for two people
Medication Management
Create a customized reference guide of all your medications and supplements
Manage your refill schedule on your behalf
Collect medications from your pharmacy on your behalf
Safely remove and dispose of old meds
Assist you to fill a medication dispenser, or fill it for you
Create a reminder schedule for you with regular assessments to ensure the schedule is working for you
Monthly medication reconciliation: review your meds with you to ensure you have the right quantity, ensure meds are meeting your needs, discuss prescription insurance coverage, contact your prescribing provider on your behalf, etc.
Every pricing plan will be customized for you
Monthly Prepaid Support
It can be so helpful to know that you will have reliable in-person support on a regular basis. Prepaying for time with In-Home Partners guarantees assistance in meeting nearly any need you can dream up at a discounted cost from our normal hourly rates.
What we will do for you
Anything you need that makes your life easier and falls within our normal repertoire of services
Services can vary, or be the same each time
What we cannot do
Personal care (e.g. bathing, trimming nails, etc.)
Nursing/clinical care (e.g. dressing wounds, cleaning stitches, creating clinical care plans)
Every pricing plan will be customized for you
Minimum two month commitment
Annual payments discounted to offer one free month